Acting Like it’s the 1970s 演藝夢想: Eugene Tang 飾演70年代的 譚詠麟


Written by Eugene Tang
Translated by Elaine Sun

Photography Courtesy of Author

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A cting in a movie — that was the dream. In particular, to be able to act in a Chinese film. Being Canadian-born with Chinese ethnicity, that was what I dreamed about as a kid. I wanted to be in the movies that my immigrant parents loved to watch, the ones they made me watch while growing up in Calgary. It was a family weekend ritual that my parents could enjoy to remind them of a home that they missed and that I never really knew. My parents were from Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and decided to move to Canada in hopes my sister and I would be able to go to university here. To be in a movie with actors in those very films we watched at home is still surreal and is something I'm very grateful for.


“House of the Rising Sons” «兄弟班» was my first legitimate acting role. Previously, the only acting I had done was in music videos and a couple of “cameos” in a television series. I remember when I was informed that I'd be acting as the character of Alan Tam in the film about an iconic Hong Kong band, the Wynners (an all-male band that was similar to the Beatles in an era where Canto-pop started to become very popular). There was an incredible rush of excitement. It was like winning the lottery, unexpected and absolutely exhilarating. But that feeling didn't last too long. Once the reality of having to play the younger version of one of the most famous superstars in Asia sank in, I felt anxiety and a nauseating fear. On one hand, it was an honour to portray such a celebrated icon, but on the other, the stress of doing him justice felt like a burdensome weight on my shoulders. Even my own mother was giving me some added pressure!


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Therefore, to prepare for the role, the internet was the first place I turned to. The results of just typing Alan Tam in a search engine was an abundance of videos and songs, and endless pages to dive into. Actually, I discovered there was almost too much to go through. Alan Tam's career started in the 70's as part of the Wynners band, then he took off as a soloist in the 80's and hasn't stopped since. Heading into 2021, he continues to have world tours and performances to this day! His output was and is incredible: numerous albums, movies, and TV shows in a variety of languages. Thus the script for the movie about Wynners spanned three decades, and I had a large time period to cover. In reality, each decade had unique nuances of character development, vernacular language, fashion style, music evolution, and so on. It was fascinating.

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From the moment I started my research, my world was all Alan Tam. I became an obsessive fan. I studied nearly all his performances as a group and as a solo artist, mimicking his little movements on stage, including his way of holding the microphone, his chemistry and interaction with his band mates, even the particulars of his smile and how he waved to fans. I remember one scene on a 70's TV stage where I had to learn to dance in high heels and bell bottoms, swaying my long hair back and forth while maintaining his signature smile!


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The biggest challenge was to portray the character with honesty and authenticity. When portraying a person that is so well known to the public, it's very easy for your performance to become a caricature or a bad impersonation. I had to figure a way to internalize Alan's personality, such that his mannerisms and the dialogue would come out naturally. The best sources were his interviews as it gave audiences a window into his life and his way of thinking. Music and brotherhood was very important to Alan and you could sense it in his interaction with the Wynner's band during their interviews. Music was also a platform for them to express that bond, from the playful nature of songs like《玩吓啦》to more serious songs about friendship like《千載不變》. With different periods in his career, there were also differences in Alan's performance style and way of talking, and I tried to incorporate that into my acting. At the start of the movie, when Alan first started singing in the band, he had a kind of endearing innocence and naivety; while near the end of the movie, when Alan has become a solidified superstar, the confidence and way he holds himself becomes very different and positively apparent.


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The emotional scenes were very challenging. Acting requires humility and complete openness because in many ways it's a reflection of yourself. One scene highlighting a big argument in the recording studio was particularly difficult and anxiety-inducing. In my own life, I was part of a small Taiwanese boy band at the time, and the frustrations and misunderstandings between members mirrored very closely to what was in the script. It was almost as if one was reliving emotionally painful moments in one’s life that they would rather forget. Before shooting that scene, we had rehearsed it many times, but during the practices I couldn't control my nerves. I didn't feel I could do the scene at all. The director could sense my anxiety and I just remembered him telling me to just do whatever felt natural to me once the cameras started rolling. What you see on screen, with the pushing and pulling of the shirt, the kicking of the door, those were instinctive things taken from my own experience. The emotions in that scene were real. I remember when we finished the scene, the director rushed to give me this big hug. It was a special moment I won't forget, the show of support from him and the crew helped carry me through the whole film.


As film continues to evolve and become more global, I hope I will have more opportunities to continue this dream that took flight. I hope to be able to share more stories about acting and entertainment, and to have more opportunities in North America.


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About the writer, Eugene Tang

Eugene Tang was born and raised in Calgary and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. He would move to Taiwan shortly after graduating and become part of a boy band and act in various movie productions in Asia.