Posts tagged beauty
Wellness Tips to Feel Good & Manage the ‘New Normal’

Bonnie Chan entered Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant and won first runner-up. She later moved to Hong Kong and competed in the Miss Hong Kong, winning second runner-up in 2016. Soon after earning her title, she became a television host in the fast-paced television industry. With everything that is happening today, she created a platform, MindBonnieSoul, to spread encouragement and support for others to be well, especially during these challenging times. We have invited her to share her expert tips on health and wellness for readers to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

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Florasis: Beauty Steeped in Culture《花西子:懷少年初心,敬百年匠心》

Beauty is often thought of as being only skin deep, but the products we are inspired to use are often steeped in culture and craftsmanship. How are Chinese brands growing and expanding into the global market? In this article (link in bio), learn more about the inspiration, culture and business of Florasis, a relatively new and highly successful cosmetic brand. We will discover how it intersects tradition, culture, art and beauty in a way that has captured the hearts of many discerning consumers and the Chinese community globally.

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