Posts tagged movies
The 41st Hong Kong Film Awards Celebrates Talent and a High Quality Year

The stars were out on the red carpet at the Hong Kong Culture Centre on April 16th to celebrate the victorious year of Hong Kong Films and films in Asia that we just witnessed. In Canada and North America, there has been a noticeable surge in interest in Asian films which have placed them into official theatre box offices across the country. Throughout the last two decades, there have been films playing now and then at select theatres such as Cineplex, but it was a sparse trend and sometimes films were only shown at a specific single location such as in Markham, where there is a large Asian population.

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Meng’er Zhang 張夢兒: Destined to Dream 忠於自己就是超能力

‘Meng’ is the Chinese word for ‘dream’ and ‘Er’ means ‘child.’ Meng’er Zhang’s Chinese name could be seen as a self-fulfilling prophecy, for this Hollywood star has already realized so much of what most can only dream of. With a playful childlikeness and lack of pretension that melts the hearts of everyone she meets… …

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