Did You See the Dragon in GUCCI Beauty's Latest Campaign?

Written by Jenni Li
Translated by Jennifer J. Lau
Photograph Courtesy of Gucci Beauty

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GUCCI’s latest Alchemist’s Garden Collection is a sensual wonderland for fragrance lovers. Creative Director Alessandro Michele describes this collection as one that connects between scents with old memories: “the green scent of some plants could be joined to atmospheres, linked to memories.” Indeed, it can transport you through time to different places embedded in your reverie.

Gucci 煉金士花園系列為香氛愛好者帶來了一場感官的盛宴。正如 Gucci 創意總監 Alessandro Michele 所述,「我的創作理念是將香水工藝的主要香調 — 例如花卉精萃和植物的綠色清新香調與環境氛圍相融合,牽引出一段段回憶」。

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The short film created by the Alchemist’s Garden campaign takes cues from these nostalgic sentiments with sepia and muted tones throughout. The short film takes place in a mysterious space with vintage vibes. Inside this magical world, there are animals in every frame — from the magnificent lion made of porcelain, to the slowly moving snake, to the butterfly in motion. What stands out in particular for us at Fête Chinoise are the two oriental-style dragon ceramic ornaments in the video.

炼金士花园系列的广告短片则将这种回忆与旧时光的色调发挥到极致。短片打造了一个复古和神秘的空间,在这个「炼金士的花园」里,处处可见动物的身影, 从威仪的瓷器狮子,到缓缓移动的蛇,再到振翅的蝴蝶……其中,最让我们眼前一亮的是两件未曾露過正脸的东方龙造型陶瓷擺件。


In China, the mythical image of the dragon stemming from the origin myth. Dragons have always been a symbol of power and authority. However, Chinese society continued to reimagine the role of the dragon and subsequently, has created many legends and stories.

The idiom “One can see the head of the divine dragon, but not its tail,” which describes the mystical being of the dragon, comes from a text “Dragon Records” by Qing scholar Zhao Zhixin (1662-1744). The divine dragon has the ability to fly and has always remained a mystery. This figure is “difficult to fully ascertain” as put forth by Zehou Li in his book on shamanism.

For GUCCI Beauty campaign, it is not only the inclusion of the oriental dragon that is significant, but the avoidance of showcasing the whole dragon in the frames, continues the narrative of the mystical being of the dragon. In creating this fantasy, the filmmakers certainly intrigued Chinese audiences with there use of the atmosphere and symbols so close to Chinese culture.

在中國,龍的神話形象起源於原始社會,是威嚴與地位的象徵。關於龍,人們有著極為豐富的想像,並創造出數不盡的傳說。 成語「神龍見首不見尾」出自清代趙執信所寫的「談龍錄」,所描繪的正是龍在雲霧中穿行,令人無法見到全貌的神秘感,以此形容詩句的神韻與意境。煉金士花園短片的拍攝巧妙地避開了龍擺件的整體及面部形態,製造出引人入勝的藝術氛圍,也將鏡頭中的煉金士花園芳香水襯托得更加有趣味。

There are four categories of perfumes, fragrances, essential oils and scented candles. Which one would you prefer to take home?



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